Yours to Decide

A breeze, little warmA landscape, underdevelopedUnderdeveloped?Treasuring nature?Hard to decide.Alleys dumped with wasteDisposable?No-one caresFluffy cloudsFloating in the skySeem to follow meTowards a destinationTheir or mine?Music filling my earsFinds a splatter ofVoices outsideTheir or mine?Track passing amidstA now, gradually Disappearing forestWhose doing is thisTheir or mine?This journeyIs all Yours to Decide. During a bus ride, in aContinue reading “Yours to Decide”

Therapy is a long term process and there are no shortcuts to it 

People think they are wasting time on therapy. They are not aware of the importance of therapy. Instead of being grateful for the treatment, they tend to seek escape from it! So increasing awareness about therapy becomes all the more important. 

Withering: Lack of Optimal Conditions

Walking in the vicinity of my house. I came across an old tree. A plum tree. To say the least, it’s a survivor among the 6 trees. These were all plum trees. I grew up in this beautiful place. It’s beauty is withering. Not only plum. There was a tree of apple (सेब), two ofContinue reading “Withering: Lack of Optimal Conditions”

Broken: Mirror or Me?

A mirror half brokenReflects me.The light shining brightLet’s nothing flee.The broken mirrorLooking back at me.Reflects back a questionStraight at me.Broken you areMore than me.Deep in my eyes,In the reflection it seems.Truth long hiddenIs set free.Leaving me to wonderBroken: Mirror or Me? – lights0_⁰fairy

The Dreaded Day

Paws of the strongest realityThat night, lingered uponThe pillarPillar of someone’s lifeThe night was trying to make it clearThe night was restlessYes, the heart seemed to betray the bodyMaking it evidentThatTomorrow holds in its backpackA notice, painted in redThat brings with it, dreadFear suddenly crept its way upWhere lies the soul of the bodyOh! ifContinue reading “The Dreaded Day”

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